This morning, I woke up early. Much earlier than I normally do, but it was one of those mornings where I knew going back to bed was not a choice. God wanted me to wake up. Not for any other reason than for us to spend some quiet, alone time together, without being interrupted. It started out like normal. Writing in my prayer journal and reading. I then dove into a Bible study I have been doing from Priscilla Shirer called, The Armor of God. Then my colored pencils that I have never used, caught my eye and a new journaling Bible my sister bought me. I went to the verse that has been following me for a year now…
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7
I started reading it and doodling. I had no idea what I would put on the paper. It started out with the words NO FEAR. Then POWER. Everything else kind of just flowed. I wasn’t even sure how the cross on the hill got there. I mean I knew I drew it, but I didn’t know why. When I was done, I looked at it all and realized that God used the whole process and the images I drew to tell a story. A true story of pain and sorrow, but also of love, freedom, power, redemption, and transformation. A story of a future of hope. A story where condemnation, fear, and intimidation was wiped away with one act. An act of love that we can barely comprehend. It is the story of what is coming. Of what we remember on a Sunday in a few months. A day that started like any other and turned into a day like no other.
I never realized how God could use my random, poorly executed drawings to bring to life His Word. Isn’t that how He works though? We bring Him our ashes and He turns it into a beautiful masterpiece. We tend to overlook the ways God does this in our lives every day. We tend to overlook the little miracles. We even overlook the big miracles. We have breath. We have another day. We have another chance for God to do things that only He can do. Make a masterpiece out of our mess.
As you go about your day and into this weekend, give whatever is weighing on your heart to Him. Realize that everything you have is a gift from Him. The same One who makes the starts twinkle in the sky and brings rain to the dry lands. He is waiting to make beauty from your ashes. No matter what you have done, or haven’t done, there is no condemnation from the One who gave you breath.
Sometimes a wake up call is exactly what you need.
This song by Danny Gokey called Masterpiece has such meaning for me. Listen and enjoy!
If you have never accepted Jesus into your heart and you are feeling in your spirit the time is now, say this simple prayer. If you do, the next step is for you to get into a Bible believing church and surround yourself with people who will lift up and affirm your decision. I would love if you would send me a message or visit my Facebook page so I can be praying specifically for you!
Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinned and fallen short of who You created me to be, and I ask for Your forgiveness. I believe You died for my sins and rose from the dead. I turn from my sins, leaving the past behind me, and invite You to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and Savior. In Your Name.