Today’s Faithful Friday is one that has alot of meaning to me, in so many different ways. As I am sure you are aware, unless you don’t pay attention to the news or live off the grid, a music icon, a genius of musical talent whom I have not seen before in my lifetime, died…
faithful friday
Faithful Friday: A Grateful Heart
Here we are at Faithful Friday again! Where does the time go? I’ve been thinking alot about gratitude. For the longest time I struggled with overwhelming stress. At least that is what I called it. I now understand that stress was just a word that I used to describe what I was feeling inside. The…
Faithful Friday: To Thine Own Self Be True
If you have been following my series, How to Find Your Authentic Self, you know how important it is to be who you are and who you were created to be. Today’s Faithful Friday takes its inspiration and quote from William Shakespeare. Shakespeare may have written this famous quote, but the sentiment has been around…
Faithful Friday: Shoulds and Can’ts Will Ruin You
It’s another Faithful Friday and today’s inspiration comes from something that happened today. Tomorrow, my husband, two children, and I will compete in a 5k in our town. For my husband, a 5k is no big deal, and even for me it’s not anymore. It never used to be that way, but I have trained…
Faithful Friday: The Only Thing Holding You Back is YOU
Today’s #FaithfulFriday is all about YOU! Do you believe that what happens to you or doesn’t happen to you, has to do with things that are external. We tend to believe that we don’t have what we want in our lives because there is something outside of us that is keeping us from a fulfilling…