That’s right… Ferris Bueller is My Hero. What? But this is #FaithfulFriday? You might be thinking, “What on earth is she talking about?”. Maybe you don’t even know who Ferris Bueller is, and if you don’t, you need to. One of my favorite movies from the 80’s is Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. It is just…
faithful friday
Faithful Friday: Make Your Soul Happy
Today’s Faithful Friday is all about remembering to take time for yourself and do something that fills you with joy. Only you know what will truly fill your soul with happiness, but whatever it is, you need to do it. Have a beautiful weekend, hopefully filled with lots of soul filling experiences!
Faithful Friday: For Unto Us A Child is Born
Faithful Friday: Something Wonderful is About to Happen
Some days can be harder than others, can’t they? I know I have had some days like that recently, and that is what led me to today’s Faithful Friday. I knew that if I needed this reminder, that there are probably a bunch of you who might need this as well. I hope this Faithful…
Faithful Friday: What if I Fall? What if You Fly?
This is one of my favorites! The author is Erin Hanson, a poet out of Brisbane, Australia. You can find more of her amazing work on her website The Poetic Underground.